
The Tomatoes have Arrived!

As the cold ice of Winter turned to cool Spring and then Spring to warm Summer, we have been waiting……waiting for the beautiful medley of cherry tomatoes that are “Jolly Good”.
Reds, purples, yellow bells, stripy, fat and round, pear shaped or little ‘jelly bean’ shapes.
Old varieties of heirloom cherry toms with names like ‘Violet Jasper’, ‘Blue Berries’, ‘Red Fig’ and ‘Lemon Drop’…to name a few. We purchased the seeds from The Diggers Club. 

The day finally arrived….our 6 year old came shrieking excitedly into the house with smooth, bright, round balls of colour bundled up in her skirt, a huge smile on her face, announcing that we had tomatoes!

It was my turn to smile. Joy doubled by witnessing her excitement, appreciation and zest for life and secondly for the little gifts themselves. She insisted I pop one in my mouth. “Here, have one Mum. They are soooo yum.”

My heart later smiled again as I watched 2 little girls scanning the row of green vines, and delightedly bringing back a brimming basket of assorted colours and shapes.IMG_0004_6
Then they raced off in the sunshine to pick some white cucumbers and Flat Leaf parsley.

We sliced the juicy, little, sun kissed tomatoes in half, diced up the cucumber, loosely chopped up the fresh parsley, added some salad dressing and mixed it all together.
What a feast for the eyes and the body. Full of vibrant colour and goodness….and the flavour was bursting out.


Later they excitedly informed everyone at the meal table that everything in that dish was “off our farm” and with big smiles…’we
 picked it’. For children to feel they make a contribution and are valued is so important. They feel significant and secure. I remember being a child. It makes you feel warm inside. To embrace and participate in real life, and it is just GREAT! 🙂  From the squeals of delight and big smiles it is all very exciting. Only one childhood.


We rejoiced together at our ‘first fruits’ for the season.
And felt thankful – for each other and for this abundance.